The women’s wall for renaissance couldn’t make an impact today. The wall had enough women members in the city’s and main points where ministers and celebrities have participated. But the wall connectivity broke several points in the national highway.
The organizers had claimed that more than 60 lacks women will participate in the wall but they could only bring 6.7 lacks women to build up the renaissance women wall all over Kerala. The government had declared an unofficial holiday for school and colleges to participate girl’s students in the women wall. Government officials are also had closed to participate, the women staff in the wall based on a state government order. All Kudumbashree units also had participated based on the political and the Kerala government’s influence.
But all this forceful participation and the party workers all together they could manage only 6.7 women participant all over Kerala. The important thing is to notice is that the wall was not filled enough with renaissance women in the Kollam district. The party hub just left the government on the road without any support for the wall.
50 cores had used for advertising and marketing to build the women’s wall from the government funds. The one month route level marketing thought out villages and door to door campaigns didn’t help much the government to build a strong wall.