An idea has put forward by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan about to make changes in college time. The suggested time change is to help students who do a part-time job after college hours. He suggested changing the collage hours from 8.00 am to 1.30 pm.
The culture of “study and work” has increased in the youth and they need a supporting time frame to achieve in it.
Pinarayi Vijayan had put forward his idea in “Naam Munnottu”, a weekly TV program run by a state-based channel. He wants the public to contribute their thought to it. General students get dedicated more time to study at home according to the new time schedule, he added.
“Already, the government has declared a part-time job as a policy. If the college timings are changed then the part-time job culture can be promoted,” he said.
Image credits: DNA