The incident occurred on January 22, late in the evening. The accused arrived by car and proceeded to set fire to the images of Lord Rama, an act linked with the Ayodhya Prana Pratishtha event. Their actions have led to their arrest by the Anthikkad police. These individuals hold positions in the Manalur Bund unit of the DYFI. The police are continuing their investigation, with other members of the group still at large. The incident has sparked controversy and heightened tensions within the community.

Update on Arrest:

The three DYFI leaders, namely Sisil, Akhil, and Kiran, who hail from Thrissur Manalur, have now been officially arrested. They were taken into custody by the Anthikkad police, owing to their alleged involvement in burning the images of Lord Rama. As office bearers of the Manalur Bund unit of DYFI, their actions have had significant implications. The Anthikkad police continue their efforts in locating the remaining members involved in this incident.

Public Reaction and Consequences:

The incident quickly sparked outrage within the community, stirring up heated debates and polarizing sentiments. The act was widely condemned for its disrespect for religious sentiments. In response, local religious and community leaders called for peace and understanding amidst the escalating tensions. The legal consequences for the three arrested are still being determined as the investigation continues, but it is clear that this incident has had a significant impact on the local community.


The methodology employed by the perpetrators in this act of disrespect provides key insights into the planning and execution of the incident. According to the investigation, the individuals arrived at the location using a vehicle, suggesting a premeditated course of action. The act itself involved setting the images of Lord Rama on fire, an act directly linked with the Ayodhya Prana Pratishtha event. This detailed method indicates a level of planning and purpose behind the act. The Anthikkad police are using this information to further their continuing investigation and efforts to locate any other individuals involved in this incident.

Further Developments in Investigation:

The Anthikkad police are persistently on the trail of the remaining perpetrators who were involved in the act. Their ongoing investigation is being conducted with utmost diligence to ensure all those responsible are brought to justice. As the hunt continues, the police appeal to the public to come forward with any information that could assist in locating the remaining individuals. The incident, deeply ingrained in the public’s memory, has indeed intensified the urgency for a comprehensive investigation and speedy resolution.

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