Vivian Silver, a Canadian-born peace activist, has long been a beacon of hope in the tumultuous landscape of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Silver has dedicated her life to advancing social change, and her unwavering commitment to Peace has characterized her journey from Winnipeg to New York and, ultimately, to Israel. From her leadership role at AJEEC-NISPED to her Women Wage Peace Central Committee membership, Silver has consistently championed dialogue and understanding among varying communities and cultures. Tragically, her recent disappearance feared to be the result of a kidnapping by Hamas terrorists, sent shockwaves around the globe, turning the spotlight onto her life’s work and the remarkable impact of her peace activism.

Early Life and Transition to Israel.

Vivian Silver grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba, where she cultivated a deep sense of social responsibility. Her early life in Canada was characterized by her active participation in various social change initiatives. Silver’s upbringing played a significant role in shaping her values and her pursuit of Peace and justice. Silver started a journey to Israel in 1974 due to her sense of adventure and desire to change the world. This transition was a pivotal point in her life, marking a shift from her relatively peaceful Canadian context to the much more volatile environment of the Middle East. As Silver immersed herself in Israeli society, her experiences further solidified her commitment to peace activism, eventually propelling her to the frontlines of efforts to bridge the Israeli-Palestinian divide.

Career Highlights:

Vivian Silver’s career is studded with numerous contributions to peace activism, most notably through her work at AJEEC-NISPED. As the driving force behind efforts to enhance understanding and cooperation among diverse groups, Vivian Silver held the position of Co-Executive Director at the Arab-Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment, and Cooperation and the Negev Institute for Peace and Development. Her leadership at this intersection of cultural and social exchange enabled communities to work together for shared prosperity and Peace.

Silver also played a vital role in Women Wage Peace, a prominent movement demanding a mutually agreed-upon political resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As a member of the Central Committee, she was a key figure in orchestrating numerous peace-building activities, from silent protests to cross-cultural dialogues. Her work with Women Wage Peace symbolized her unwavering commitment to peaceful dialogue as the path towards resolution. Despite her numerous challenges, Silver remained steadfast in her quest for Peace, demonstrating a resilience that has inspired countless others.

Social Change Work:

Vivian Silver’s advocacy for social change has spanned continents and decades. Her social activism roots were planted in her hometown of Winnipeg, where she participated in numerous community initiatives to promote social justice and equality. Her work in Winnipeg laid the foundation for her future endeavours and instilled in her the inclusivity and peaceful dialogue values that would later define her peace activism.

Silver furthered her commitment to social change in New York by engaging with various human rights and peace organizations. She sought to foster understanding and compassion among diverse communities, using her platform to amplify the voices of marginalized groups and advocate for social equity.

Upon moving to Israel, Silver’s work took on new meaning amid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She committed herself to fostering conversations and collaborations between the Jewish and Arab societies. Through her role at AJEEC-NISPED, she enabled transformative encounters between groups that had been historically segregated, promoting mutual respect and understanding. By co-founding the Bedouin women’s weaving project, she empowered marginalized women by providing job skills training and resources that would allow them to attain economic independence.

Silver’s work in Israel also included her active membership in Women Wage Peace. This movement, founded in the aftermath of the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict, aimed to bring about a mutually agreed resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Silver’s work within this movement was characterized by her unwavering belief in the power of peaceful dialogue and cooperation to achieve social change.

Throughout her life, Vivian Silver has used her social activism to bridge divides, advocate for Peace, and foster understanding among diverse groups. From Winnipeg to New York and from New York to Israel, Silver’s lifelong commitment to social change has significantly impacted numerous communities and lives.

Relationships with Moderates in Gaza:

Vivian Silver’s living conditions close to the Gaza border offered her a unique vantage point to observe and understand the realities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Despite the volatile environment, she fostered notable relationships with moderates in Gaza, a testament to her commitment to Peace.

Silver often engaged in open dialogue with moderate voices within Gaza, helping to build a bridge of understanding between the warring factions. Her interactions were marked by mutual respect, highlighting the possibility of coexistence even amid conflict. She leveraged these connections to advocate for Peace in her various roles, bringing in perspectives often overlooked in the heated political discourse.

Living near the Gaza border also shaped her understanding of the conflict, giving her firsthand experience of the tension that the border communities lived with daily. Despite the challenges, Silver remained committed to her mission, advocating for Peace and understanding in a landscape often devoid of both. Through her relationships with moderates in Gaza, Silver strengthened her knowledge of the conflict and demonstrated the potential for dialogue and cooperation in fostering Peace.

Her Influence:

Vivian Silver’s impact in peace activism circles, particularly concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, has been profound and far-reaching. Her relentless pursuit of reconciliation and cross-cultural understanding has made her a significant figure in the peace-building community. Through her work with AJEEC-NISPED and Women Wage Peace, Silver has fostered dialogue and cooperation between historically divided communities, promoting a culture of Peace and inclusivity.

Her ability to bridge divides and forge connections with moderates in Gaza further underscores her influential role in the peace process. Silver’s commitment, resilience, and unwavering belief in the power of peaceful dialogue have improved the lives of individuals and communities and reshaped the narrative of peace activism. Her enduring legacy inspires and guides future generations of peace activists, reinforcing the belief that meaningful change is possible through dialogue and mutual understanding.

Fostering Dialogue: Vivian Silver’s unwavering commitment to promoting dialogue and understanding between diverse communities has been a hallmark of her social activism. She has consistently demonstrated the belief that dialogue, more than force or coercion, is the most effective tool for bridging cultural gaps and resolving conflicts. Her efforts in this area have been significant and multifaceted. Whether interacting with marginalized groups in Winnipeg, engaging with human rights organizations in New York, or striving for peaceful solutions in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Silver has always sought to create spaces where open, respectful, and enlightening conversations can occur.

Her work with AJEEC-NISPED and Women Wage Peace exemplifies her commitment to dialogue, as these organizations are fundamentally grounded in promoting mutual understanding between historically divided communities. Moreover, her relationships with moderates in Gaza reflect her dedication to dialogue, even in the face of conflict and adversity. In summary, Vivian Silver’s commitment to promoting dialogue and understanding has been tireless and impactful, contributing significantly to her legacy in peace activism.

The Disappearance:

In a shocking turn of events, Vivian Silver vanished in the summer of 2018. As soon as reports of Silver’s alleged kidnapping by Hamas terrorists surfaced, the global peace activist community was shocked. Her disappearance occurred during her usual visits to the Gaza border, where she engaged in dialogue with moderates, fostering understanding amidst strife. The sudden absence of such a prominent advocate for Peace and reconciliation in the region was deeply felt.

The international response to Silver’s disappearance was swift and unified. Protests and vigils were held worldwide, with individuals and organizations across the globe demanding her safe return. Her disappearance galvanized the international peace community, leading to renewed calls for an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Women Wage Peace, the organization Silver was closely associated with, launched a global campaign advocating for her release. This campaign garnered significant international attention and support, underscoring the respect and admiration Silver had earned through her work.

At the diplomatic level, Silver’s alleged kidnapping catalyzed urgent discussions about the escalating tensions in the region. Governments worldwide have expressed their disapproval over the incident, urging for the prompt liberation of Silver. In particular, recognizing Silver’s contributions to peace advocacy, the United Nations issued a resolution urging all parties involved to ensure her safe return.

While tragic, the situation surrounding Silver’s disappearance brought to light her invaluable contributions to peace activism. It served as a stark reminder of her critical work, the risks she faced, and the difference she made in many lives. It further underscored the urgent need for dialogue, understanding, and Peace—values Silver tirelessly championed throughout her life.

The Global Reaction:

The international community’s response to Vivian Silver’s disappearance was immediate and profound, reflecting the esteem and respect she had earned through her peace activism work. The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, notably championed the campaign for her release. Recognizing Silver as a Canadian citizen and a global peace advocate, Trudeau became a vocal advocate for her safe return. In a statement, he expressed deep concern about Silver’s alleged kidnapping, calling it an “unconscionable act against a devoted peace activist.” He implored Hamas to ensure Silver’s safety and release her immediately, highlighting the significance of her work in fostering dialogue and understanding in conflict-stricken regions. Leaders worldwide joined in unison to demand Silver’s release, echoing Trudeau’s firm stance. This global outcry underscored the lasting impact of Silver’s work and the shared commitment to the values she championed. It was a powerful testament to her influence and the international regard for her invaluable contribution to peace activism.


The sudden disappearance of Vivian Silver dealt a significant blow to the cause of Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She pioneered communication and understanding, so her absence left a void that all parties involved felt keenly. She was a beacon of hope in a troubled region, a voice that championed Peace over hostility and dialogue over conflict. Her abduction sent a chilling message to other peace activists, underscoring the dangers they face in their noble pursuit.

However, her disappearance also served as a rallying point, galvanizing peace advocates worldwide and renewing their commitment to the cause she passionately championed. It underscored the urgent need for a peaceful resolution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and brought the issue back into the spotlight, prompting renewed discussions at the international level.

In essence, while Vivian Silver’s disappearance was a tragic event, it underscores the importance of her work and the urgency of Peace in the region. It served as a potent reminder that the struggle for Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian arena is fraught with challenges. Still, a battle must continue, honouring the legacy of peace advocates like Silver. Her dedication, courage, and belief in the power of dialogue live on, inspiring a new generation of peace activists to brave the odds and carry the torch forward.

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