The state government’s petition to the Supreme Court was dismissed by the court, which expressed dissatisfaction with the government. This is why those not participating in the salary challenge shouldn’t be expected to write a disagreement paper.

The judge also said the government should take action in order to regain people’s confidence. He added that even if the judges donated, they must build their own confidence among the nation. The Supreme Court has rejected Kerala’s demand for a salary increase.

The Chief Minister’s stubbornness led to an adverse judgement from the high court, and for this reason, he is called “arrogant” by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court called on him to collect compensation from his own salary.

According to Chennithala, the government is the cause of their failure, and called upon them to return dissent notes created after the Supreme Court ruling banning their collection to protect workers’ self-esteem.

The Chairman asked the Finance Minister to say sorry for making fun of the workers who gave a dissenting note in public. Ramesh says that the sudden salary cut has caused people in Kerala to disagree with each other.

The Prime Minister called on the government to rewrite the order on salary increase so that all employees can contribute the funds to protect their dignity, self-respect and financial condition. The disaster’s financial group recommends a separate account for FEMA funds, and this is only necessary because the Supreme Court has no information on the use of money collected by CMDRF.

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