Marketing is an art of sales. creative people use different kinds of ideas to market the product. Network marketing is one of them. It’s easy for the one who has good business contacts. I personally believe we do a disservice to the business and ourselves if we openly state. Any marketing expert who does say different opinions is not being fully truthful.

Network Marketing requires 3 main ingredients time, effort, and yes – money. Time is just a matter of redirecting your habits. Not easy but doable. The time directly impacts your efficiency. The effort is entirely controllable by the individual… and directly impacts your effectiveness.

Money is self-limiting and directly affects both efficiency and effectiveness. An individual must find the best combination of the three that works for their business. Someone else can’t tell you what that combination is best for your marketing plan.

The new member faces a daunting task and competition when it comes to advertising. Finding that best combination of time, effort, and money is a growth experience. Rarely will it just appear… education plus mentoring are important factors and hopefully a fact of life. However, advertising is not impossible.

In my mind advertising is just whatever method you choose to reach the target people. It might be the traditional newspaper or online ads or the simple greeting and sharing with a friend through social media. How you advertise or sharing can take many forms to reach potential customers.

There are free and inexpensive methods that do some marketing stuff. It’s a matter of finding those that work for you.

1. Writing and submitting business promotional articles on free online platforms is an excellent method. It requires time and effort, but not much money. But getting paid articles on online news sites is much effective. The benefits include increased link popularity for the business website. Getting an article and a backlink is good to get in the google search results as well. Plus it’s can go viral if the content is creative stuff.

Often your business article is archived by publishers and directories available well after it was originally offered. Plus publishers and webmasters will often pick up your article to share on different platforms.

2. Business cards are always a good method, and more inexpensive than one realizes. You can even make your own using online websites. Just pass them out like candy stores, church, ball games, local events, restaurants, businesses, your frequent networking meetings, local hangout places, etc… The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

3. Flyers, posters, postcards, brochures, etc. can also be done very inexpensively. You can make your own on your PC or purchase custom or ready-made templates from numerous online providers. You could even strike up a joint venture with a local community provider. They print it for you and include their advertising somewhere, you just distribute. You both win, you pay less, and maybe influence that partner to be involved in your business.

4. Branding on delivery vehicles is another inexpensive method. A single piece of communication message with visual graphics will give an impact on the road for your brand.

5. Newspaper/magazine ads can be found that aren’t going to cost an arm and a leg. Local publications are a good place to start. Nationwide newspapers are an excellent source. Nowadays online media are very cost effactive and with less marketing budget your brand can reach more.

Of course, there are traditional print ads, leads programs, Forum participation, search engines, 3-foot rule, etc. Most of these will cost you money and all will cost you time effort.

The key I believe is in being creative and sticking to what best fits your time, effort, money combination. It is and should be a personal choice. If the ad cost doesn’t give you the value for money you hope for, keep looking for better marketing trends. But don’t ever give up.

Diversify. Use multiple methods for marketing. Why limit yourself to just one path?

Should we just sponsor those willing to waste $1,000’s advertising? Heck no!! We should sponsor anyone interested and teach them how to advertise in a manner best suited for them. Don’t mislead them with false expectations or pressure them into uncomfortable actions. Lead them to solutions that best fit their expectations abilities.

Sending any message to prospects that denies effort is involved or necessary, misleads folks into becoming part of the failed or quit statistics. It leads to false expectations.

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