Kerala is well known for its quality spices. Cardamom, Pepper, Cinnamon, Clove, Turmeric, Ginger and Tamarind are the main production and exporting worldwide. Kerala is known as ‘King of Spices’ based on its quality.

Here, Nedumkandam Cardamom is always famous for its unique quality. The premium Nedumkandam Cardamom has huge demand in India and the International market. This one of the main reason for ancient Cardamom traders called it ‘Precious Spices’

The main specialty reason for the Nedumkandam Cardamom is the weather and the structure of the hills. The production quantity is very less and it has a huge demand for spice exporting business. Exporters sell it in the high margin the actual farmers not earned much from the ‘Precious Spices’.

Now the Nedumkandam Cardamom joined hands together and started selling to the direct customers. It helps them to avoid losses in their farming and can gain some profit as well.


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