According to Israeli media reports, Soumya Santhosh, a 32-year-old Keralite nurse has been killed by a terror outlet missile attack in Ashkelon, Israel. It has been alleged that Hamas, the extremist terrorist organization that rules Gaza, is responsible for the murder.

The Times of Israel confirmed that Soumya was one of the victims of the Hamas attack. She was working as a nurse to take care of an elderly lady. Soumya was talking to her husband when the attack took her life.

In warning of an outbreak of violence in the Hamas-ruled Gaza, Israel PM, Benjamin Netanyahu promised that Israel would strike back hard at the terror group’s leaders.

About Post Author

Sunil Kumar is a senior writer and content strategist for The CBC News, focusing on South India. His coverage includes Kerala as well as the expansive and varied states surrounding it, such as Maharashtra.

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