Digital marketing is a specialized tool to integrate your brand building strategy in online platforms. It encompasses all strategic marketing ideas that use in traditional media such as print, electronic device or outdoor.

Digital marketing helps brands or service to connect with its potential customer’s digital platforms such as social media, search engines, google ads, emails, etc…

The potential of digital marketing is very huge and it creasing every day. The internet accessibility in the villages increases the massive scope to sell a product in rural areas with the help of digital marketing. Mobile friendly responsive website designs give more reaches for online shopping portals at every corner of rural India.

Regular internet usage is 30 increased by 7% in the age group of 20- in the last two years. Internet usage in the mobile phone is increased by 13% in the youth, especially Kerala and Tamil Nadu states. According to in a recent study, it shows most of the mechanical and engineering industry are also entering the digital world to showcase their products. Coimbatore is the mass market for engineering products such as pumps and motors and this market is already updated their selling space in the digital world.

In the last five years’ time 30% sales increased in the online platform and digital marketing have a huge role in the massive increase in online sales. The way people used to shop is going to reduce a lot in the future. The most important thing is to notice the traditional marketing tools and Medias will have no more roles in the online sales area.

Digital marketing is to bring the potential customer to your online business platform. The core objective is to give information about your brand and the other area is to sell a buyer who ready to buy a product from online and he is searching for it on the net.

A digital marketing specialist can plan a brand strategy based on the consumer insight and it will help to understand the consumer about your brand promise towards its consumers. The brand strategy can adapt to a content strategy for social media platforms. While adapting the brand strategy for social platforms make sure it should not look like selling to them.

Inbound marketing is an ideal way to implement a content strategy. It’s more effective than a traditional way of doing advertising. Inbound marketing will help to engage the consumer with the brand. They can interact with brands on social platforms and they can understand the uniqueness of the product or a specialty of a service.  

Digital marketing tactics.

The specialized digital marketing professionals have a clear strategy or the creative marketing campaign to achieve the business objective. The creative campaigns can gain free viral traffic to reach more targets groups. All social media platforms have paid promotional channels to get maximum reach according to your online media budget.

Content marketing is the new trend in digital marketing, publishing business related news or article on a product review website is one of them.

Facebook pages and groups also started to promote contents to get traffic to their website. Who have huge followers in FB page can gain in this area.

Let’s look at some digital marketing platforms that connect with online users and convert into the business objective.

Paid Search – Google Ads.

It’s one of the topmost tools in digital advertising. Paid search ads show on top of Google’s search result. The ads will show based on the search keyword. It targets directly to the person who searching for product or service from the internet. Pay per click and will be the cost to the client only when an online user clicked on it.

While creating the search ads, you can specify the target area, group an option to set the keywords to show the ads on top of the search result.

Display Ads by Google

It is the largest Google publisher network to display advertising. Millions of online publishers and bloggers are associated with Google to showcase the advertising on their website. Different size can upload to Google display ads and it can set with keywords as well the collective interest of a target group. It has a bidding section to set your budget for the campaign as well the cost for click. Display ads mostly show based on the content on the blog page.  

Search engine optimization (SEO)

It’s a long term process to set up your website to display on top of the Google search result page. Based on selected keywords that match search query on search engines will optimize online and offline.

The core concept in SEO is getting good quality unique content on the business website to index by search engines.

The core objective is to get traffic to our business website when an online user searching for a product or service.  

Sharing the website content on social media and other online websites will help to create backlinks for a website and it helps to index by search engines fast.

Content Marketing

Content is everything in the digital marketing world. The quality unique content is to get index in SEO as well to engage the site visitors on the net. The creative content can build trust with visitors and help to believe in our service. The blog section should be rich with the unique subjective content that solves all need of the visitor.

The informative content can get viral on social media platforms and it brings unique traffic to the website. Quality contents keep hold the visitor and it reduces the bounce rate, it gains the website authority high.   

Social Media Marketing

This creative practice promotes your brand and can run your campaign on free platforms. Your business promoting content on social media platforms to increase brand awareness, and can connect with the user to know their experience. Social media is a great lead generation tool to analyze potential buyers.

The online social channels you can use in digital marketing include:










About Post Author

Sunil Kumar is a senior writer and content strategist for The CBC News, focusing on South India. His coverage includes Kerala as well as the expansive and varied states surrounding it, such as Maharashtra.

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