Prime Minister Narendra Modi has presided over the governance of India since May 2014, ushering in the era of the Modi Government, marked by numerous achievements. Known for its emphasis on digitization, infrastructure development, and socio-economic reforms, the government’s tenure has seen the launch and implementation of multiple policies and initiatives. From strengthening healthcare and education sectors to promoting startups, renewable energy, and digital infrastructure, the government’s ambitious strategies aim to propel India towards a sustainable and inclusive future. The following list encapsulates some of the critical achievements of the Modi Government in various sectors, reflecting their commitment to holistic development.

Documenting achievements is crucial in any governance or administrative context. It serves as a testament to the progress made, providing a factual basis that facilitates the evaluation and appraisal of the policies or initiatives undertaken. It’s akin to a report card, offering transparency to citizens, boosting their confidence, and helping them make informed choices. Not only does it validate the efforts expended, but it also sets the stage for future planning and strategy development. Finally, such documentation offers a historical account, enabling a retrospective analysis of successes and failures, thus guiding the path to continual improvement and innovation.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: A comprehensive national campaign enhancing sanitation and hygiene nationwide.

Initiated in 2014, the “Clean India Mission” has significantly enhanced cleanliness and sanitation nationwide. The initiative aimed to eliminate open defecation and to improve waste management systems. This extensive project has witnessed the construction of over 110 million toilets in rural India by 2019. The Abhiyan’s success has improved public health and environmental cleanliness and boosted India’s global image in maintaining cleanliness standards.

Make in India: A strategic move to enhance manufacturing and establish India as an international hub for production.

With the inception of the “Make in India” campaign in 2014, India has been on a transformative journey towards becoming a worldwide manufacturing centre. This initiative, aimed at stimulating the economy by motivating both global and local companies to initiate production in the country, has infused new life into the industrial sector. Key sectors such as automobiles, textiles, IT, and biotechnology have witnessed substantial growth and investment, enhancing job opportunities and strengthening the country’s industrial infrastructure. This has not only given a significant boost to India’s GDP but has also positioned the nation prominently on the global manufacturing map.

Digital India: Promoting digital literacy, infrastructure, and services nationwide.

Launched in 2015, the “Digital India” initiative is a significant stride towards digital inclusivity and e-governance, aiming to transform the nation into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. The key pillars of this initiative—providing digital infrastructure as an essential service to every citizen, on-demand governance and services, and empowering citizens through digital means—have significantly contributed to realizing this ambition. This initiative has created a robust digital infrastructure, promoted digital literacy across the country, and brought an array of digital services to citizens’ fingertips. It has not only made government services accessible online but also secured the digital identity of citizens with initiatives like Aadhaar. Furthermore, it has fostered an environment of digital innovation, leading to the rise of numerous startups and digital enterprises. This has significantly boosted India’s digital economy, creating job opportunities and bolstering the nation’s progress towards a digital future.

Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana: Implementing a financial inclusion scheme has led to opening bank accounts for millions without prior access.

In 2014, the “Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana” (PMJDY) was brought to light, exemplifying the Modi Government’s drive towards financial inclusion. This programme aimed to provide ‘universal access to banking facilities’ for every household nationwide, targeting the unbanked population. PMJDY has created millions of new bank accounts, enabling direct benefit transfer of government schemes and providing a platform for universal pension, insurance, and credit facilities. It has ensured greater transparency in financial transactions and helped inculcate the habit of saving among the rural and urban poor. This initiative is instrumental in bringing the underprivileged into the fold of the formal banking system, empowering them financially, and setting the foundation for a more inclusive economy.

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana: Implementing affordable housing schemes, prioritizing rural communities.

Initiated in 2015, the “Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana” (PMAY) is a significant scheme to ensure ‘Housing for All’. The system provides affordable housing solutions for rural areas, aiming to build more than 20 million houses by 2022. PMAY is split into two components: ‘PMAY Urban’ for urban areas and ‘PMAY Gramin’ for the rural regions. The scheme has seen significant progress, with millions of houses already constructed under this initiative. This initiative has provided shelter to the less privileged and enhanced living standards in rural regions. The scheme is a significant stride towards achieving the goal of an inclusive, equitable society where every citizen has a safe and affordable place to call home.

Ujjwala Yojana: Delivery of LPG connections to households struggling economically.

To safeguard the health of women and children from smoke inhalation, the “Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana” was launched in 2016. One significant welfare initiative by the Modi Government aimed to distribute complimentary LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) connections to families facing economic hardships. The initiative aimed to replace the unhealthy and hazardous cooking fuels often used in rural India with a clean and more efficient alternative. The Yojana’s success is reflected in the millions of LPG connections established since its launch, changing the face of rural cooking practices. This achievement has not only positively impacted the health and safety of women and children in rural households but has also significantly contributed to environmental conservation by reducing the reliance on firewood and fossil fuels for cooking.

Jan Aushadhi Scheme: Affordable Generic Medicines for All.

Launched in 2008 and significantly expanded under the Modi Government, the “Jan Aushadhi Scheme” is a commendable initiative to make quality medicines accessible and affordable for all, especially the poor and disadvantaged. The scheme promotes using generic medications, which are much more cost-effective than their branded counterparts. Under this scheme, dedicated Jan Aushadhi stores have been set up nationwide to distribute generic medicines at substantially lower prices. Currently, over 5000 operational Jan Aushadhi Kendras are spread across different parts of India. This scheme has resulted in significant savings for the commoner in healthcare expenses and cultivated a sense of health security among the masses. At the same time, it has also raised awareness about the efficacy of generic medicines, breaking the myth that costlier drugs are always better.

Mudra Yojana: Supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs with loans.

Unveiled in 2015, the “Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana” (PMMY) represents a remarkable accomplishment of the Modi Government, providing a financial lifeline to micro-enterprises within non-corporate and non-farm sectors. This instrumental scheme promotes entrepreneurship and employment opportunities by granting easily accessible loans to fledgling businesses and entrepreneurs who face challenges obtaining funds from conventional banks. PMMY loans are offered in three categories: ‘Shishu’, ‘Kishore’, and ‘Tarun’, catering to the diverse needs of micro and small enterprises during different growth phases. The scheme has been widely hailed for its inclusive approach, as it targets budding entrepreneurs from all sections of society, including women, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and other backward classes. To date, the Mudra Yojana has sanctioned millions of loans, providing a much-needed financial lifeline to small businesses and thereby bolstering the Indian economy.

Ayushman Bharat: World’s largest health insurance scheme, covering millions of families.

An exemplary milestone in the healthcare sector was established in 2018 by the Modi government with the initiation of the “Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana” (AB-PMJAY). As the most significant health insurance scheme globally, it is designed to offer free secondary and tertiary health coverage to India’s most disadvantaged and vulnerable populations. The project promises to cover over 100 million families, accounting for approximately 500 million individuals, or nearly 40% of India’s population. Under this plan, each family has an annual health insurance coverage of 5 lakh rupees for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization. The scheme is a significant step towards universal health coverage, a vital aspect of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The success of the Ayushman Bharat scheme is reflected in the millions of free treatments the beneficiaries have availed of, alleviating the healthcare burden on India’s most economically disadvantaged households. It has brought quality healthcare within reach of the poorer sections of society and played a critical role in safeguarding them against health-related financial risks.

Atal Pension Yojana: Encouraging pension savings for the unorganized sector.

Launched in 2015, the “Atal Pension Yojana” (APY) is another significant initiative by the Modi Government to ensure the welfare of those who work in the unorganized sector. The Atal Pension Yojana (APY) initiative, launched by the Modi government, seeks to provide a secured, stable pension for all Indian citizens aged 18 to 40. The unique feature of this scheme is that it promises a minimum assistance ranging from INR 1,000 to INR 5,000 per month, depending on the contributor’s investment, from the age of 60 years. This initiative is designed to bring security and dignity in old age to millions of Indians who lack any formal pension provision. Currently, the scheme has successfully enrolled millions of subscribers, thereby creating a culture of savings and future planning among the most vulnerable sections of society.

Skill India’s initiative is to empower the youth.

The Modi Government launched the commendable “Skill India” initiative in 2015 with a vision to make India the’ skilled capital’ of the world. This initiative aims to empower youth with industry-relevant skills to enhance their employability and productivity. Multiple initiatives were launched under the umbrella of Skill India, such as the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), the National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS), and the Skill Loan Scheme, symbolizing significant accomplishments of the Modi Government. The PMKVY, in particular, has successfully provided skill training to millions of youth nationwide, offering them an opportunity to learn industry-relevant skills and secure better livelihoods. The Skill India initiative underscores the government’s commitment to harness the potential of India’s demographic dividend and transform the country into a knowledge-based economy.

Startup India Initiative: Fostering Entrepreneurship and Startups.

The “Startup India” campaign, initiated in 2016, is a cornerstone project of the Modi Government. This ambitious initiative is designed to fortify the startup landscape in India, fostering economic stability and sparking widespread job creation. The programme provides startups with tax benefits, regulatory easing, and a framework for intellectual property rights, among other things, to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship across the country. Under this initiative, a fund of INR 10,000 crores (approximately $1.4 billion) has been set up to support startups through a four-tier structure. This scheme has played an indispensable role in fostering entrepreneurship, promoting innovation, and creating an enabling environment for startups to thrive. The initiative has recognized and helped over 50,000 startups across various sectors, making India one of the world’s fastest-growing startup hubs. The impact of Startup India is evident in the rise of numerous success stories that testify to a new and vibrant India ready to innovate, disrupt, and lead.

Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao: Promoting the Education and Welfare of the Girl Child.

Launched in 2015, the “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” (BBBP) initiative is a social campaign of the Modi Government aimed at reducing selective abortion of girls, protecting girls, and promoting their education. The programme is designed to address the skewed child sex ratio in India and challenge societal norms and practices that favour sons and discriminate against daughters. BBBP is dedicated to the survival and safeguarding of female children, ensuring their access to education and involvement in developmental activities. The initiative has led to a significant increase in the child sex ratio in several Indian districts, indicating its success in changing attitudes towards girls. By promoting gender equality and the importance of girls’ education, the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao campaign has made substantial strides in empowering the girl child and fostering her wellbeing.

Swadesh Darshan and PRASAD Schemes: Boosting Tourism and Infrastructure Development.

Launched in 2014 and 2015, respectively, the “Swadesh Darshan” and “Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Augmentation Drive” (PRASAD) schemes are significant initiatives by the Modi Government aimed at enhancing India’s tourism and related infrastructure. The Swadesh Darshan initiative is committed to strengthening and improving thematic circuits nationwide, elevating the tourist experience. On the other hand, the PRASAD scheme aims specifically at the infrastructure development of pilgrimage sites, making them more accessible and visitor-friendly. Together, these initiatives have significantly improved India’s tourism sector, contributing to local economies, enhancing visitor experiences, and promoting India’s rich cultural heritage on a global platform. These schemes have boosted tourism and created numerous jobs, promoting sustainable and inclusive growth. The effectiveness of these initiatives is evident in the growing numbers of local and foreign tourists flocking to the various attractions enhanced under these programs.

Sagarmala Project: Modernizing Ports and Boosting Coastal Shipping

Launched in 2015, the “Sagarmala Project” is a high-impact initiative of the Modi Government aimed at revolutionizing port-led development and accelerating coastal shipping in the country. The project focuses on modernizing India’s ports and integrating them with Special Economic Zones (SEZs), Port-based Smart Cities, Industrial Parks, Warehouses, and Logistic Hubs. The overarching objective of the Sagarmala Project is to reduce the logistics costs for both domestic and export cargo with optimized infrastructure investment. The initiative envisages unlocking the potential of India’s 7500-kilometre coastline and navigable waterways, thus enhancing the country’s maritime infrastructure and promoting port-led industrialization. The Sagarmala Programme has made significant strides under the Modi government, with several initiatives underway. These efforts encompass the modernization of existing ports, the development of new ones, the enhancement of port connectivity, industrialization linked to ports, and the advancement of coastal communities. These projects have led to enhanced capacity and efficiency of the ports and contributed to job creation and sustainable economic growth in the coastal regions. The Sagarmala Project underscores the government’s commitment to transforming India’s logistics sector by making it world-class, efficient, and cost-effective.

The Advent of High-Speed Rail in India: The Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train Project.

Introduced in 2017, the “Bullet Train Project” is another groundbreaking initiative by the Modi Government to revolutionize India’s railway transportation system. The pioneering project of India’s initial high-speed rail pathway, stretching about 508 kilometres between Mumbai and Ahmedabad, is a significant achievement of the Modi Government. With an impressive top speed of 350 km/h, the bullet train is poised to diminish the travel duration from a tedious 7 to a mere 3 hours. This high-speed rail project, backed by Japanese Shinkansen technology, represents a massive leap towards modernization and will significantly enhance passenger convenience and safety. Furthermore, the project is expected to generate numerous employment opportunities during the construction phase and through operations and maintenance, contributing to the nation’s economic development. The Bullet Train Project underscores the government’s commitment to advancing India’s infrastructure and transforming the nation’s transport landscape.

Clean Ganga Mission: Reviving and cleaning the Ganges River.

The “Clean Ganga Mission”, officially known as the “Namami Gange Programme”, is an ambitious project initiated by the Modi government in 2015. Aimed at decreasing pollution and conserving and rejuvenating the Ganges, one of India’s most sacred and iconic rivers, this mission represents a comprehensive endeavour to restore the river’s health and maintain its ecological balance. The initiative involves a multi-sided approach, including setting up sewage treatment plants, river-surface cleaning, afforestation, and establishing biodiversity conservation projects. The efforts have brought significant improvements in the river’s water quality and have rekindled hope for the revival of the Ganges’ ecological splendour. Beyond its environmental implications, the Clean Ganga Mission also has a profound cultural and spiritual significance for India, contributing to the sustainable preservation of a river deeply interwoven with the country’s cultural fabric.

Smart Cities Mission: Developing 100 smart cities across India.

Launched in 2015 by the Modi government, the “Smart Cities Mission” is a visionary initiative to develop 100 cities across India into citizen-friendly and sustainable urban regions. The primary aim of this initiative is to cultivate cities equipped with essential infrastructure, ensure a satisfactory living standard for all residents, and implement intelligent strategies to boost the overall quality of urban amenities and lifestyle. The mission intends to drive economic growth by creating a sustainable environment that provides intelligent solutions for local development. These cities have basic infrastructure, innovative solutions, a clean and sustainable environment, and good governance practices. The Smart Cities Mission is a significant stride towards modernizing urban development in India by incorporating digital technology and intelligent design to improve the living conditions of citizens and facilitate a sustainable environment. From enhanced waste management systems to digital payment systems and smart street lighting, the mission is to make urban life more manageable, efficient, and eco-friendly. This mission demonstrates the government’s commitment to leveraging technology for sustainable urban development and enhancing the quality of life of its citizens.

Rural Electrification: Achieving 100% village electrification.

A significant achievement of the Modi government is the achievement of 100% village electrification. The government committed to illuminating all corners of the country in 2015 with the rollout of the “Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana” (DDUGJY). The initiative involved extending the power grid to the remotest corners of India and providing separate feeders for domestic and agricultural consumption for efficient load management. This mission also covered the installation of LED bulbs and energy-efficient pump sets to conserve energy resources. Rural electrification has profoundly impacted rural households, enabling an improved standard of living, facilitating education, and bolstering local economies. By bringing light to the nation’s darkest corners, the government has not only illuminated homes but also brightened the future of millions of rural citizens. This achievement highlights the administration’s dedication to promoting all-inclusive growth and equal distribution of critical services.

The Prime Minister’s Crop Insurance Scheme: Assurance for Agrarians.

The “Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana” (PMFBY), launched by the Modi government in 2016, is an innovative initiative aiming to provide comprehensive crop insurance coverage to farmers at a minimal premium. This scheme safeguards farmers against crop losses due to unpredictable weather conditions and pest attacks, helping stabilize their incomes and encourage agricultural investment. The PMFBY is unique in its inclusive approach, covering all food crops, oilseeds, and horticultural crops, and is open to all farmers, irrespective of the size of their landholdings. By providing a safety net to the farming community, the PMFBY has brought new hope and security to millions of farmers nationwide. This landmark initiative underscores the government’s commitment to farmers’ welfare and strengthens the backbone of India’s agricultural economy.

Prime Minister’s Agricultural Irrigation Scheme: Fostering agricultural advancement through irrigation.

The Modi government marked a significant achievement with the “Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana” (PMKSY) launch in 2015. The central objective of this program is to extend the reach of irrigation ‘Har Khet ko Pani’ and to enhance water efficiency through ‘Per Drop More Crop’. By doing so, it aims to address the irrigation needs of every farm (Khets) and improve water use efficiency to provide access to water to every agricultural field in the country. This revolutionary scheme ensures that no agricultural land in India goes without water, thereby increasing the productivity of the land and leading to better crop yields. PMKSY focuses on creating irrigation sources and a network of distribution channels to reach even the most remote and marginalized farmers. This endeavour emphasizes the government’s commitment to agricultural growth, farmers’ welfare, and rural development, enhancing agricultural production and the socio-economic status of the rural community.

National Solar Mission: Promoting renewable energy with a focus on solar power.

The Modi government unveiled an ambitious “National Solar Mission” to promote the use of solar energy and make India a global leader in renewable energy. Established in 2010, the mission seeks to position India as a dominant player in the field of solar energy by formulating policies that enhance the spread of solar technologies nationwide. Its goal is to achieve 100 GW of solar power by 2022, which includes 40 GW from rooftop solar. This initiative has given a significant impetus to solar energy generation in the country, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and contributing to a greener, more sustainable future. The National Solar Mission is a testament to the government’s commitment to sustainable development and its efforts to combat climate change. Through this mission, India is moving towards energy security and playing a significant role in global efforts to achieve a sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Digital Payments and BHIM app: Encouraging cashless transactions.

The Modi government has made significant strides in transitioning India to a digital economy by emphasizing digital payments. As a step towards a cashless society, the government launched the Bharat Interface for Money (BHIM) app in 2016, aiming to advance digital transactions. This unified payment interface system allows for simple, quick money transfers between banks using a single, secure platform. The BHIM app has revolutionized how Indians transact, enabling even those in remote and rural areas to participate in the digital economy. It is available in multiple regional languages and can be used on any smartphone, enhancing its utility and reach. This initiative underpins the government’s efforts to promote financial inclusion, reduce corruption, and bring economic transformation by leveraging digital technology.

GST (Goods and Services Tax): A historic tax reform for a unified taxation system.

Launched in 2017, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been one of the most significant fiscal reforms made by the Modi government. GST introduced a unified taxation system by subsuming various indirect taxes into a single tax structure, thus simplifying the tax regime and making it more transparent. This landmark reform aims to eliminate tax-on-tax and enable a smooth flow of goods across the country, making India a unified market at the national level. It has eased the tax compliance burden for businesses, including tiny and medium enterprises, by reducing the complexity of multiple taxes. The GST reform underscores the government’s commitment to enhancing the ease of doing business and promoting economic growth. By implementing GST, the Modi government has laid the foundation for a more robust, efficient, and equitable indirect tax system.

Surgical Strikes: Deterrence against terrorism through military action.

A significant achievement by the Modi government in bolstering national security was the execution of the surgical strikes in 2016. This military action was a strategic response to the escalating cross-border terrorism incidents, demonstrating India’s commitment to a zero-tolerance policy against terrorism. The Indian army executed strikes across the Line of Control (LoC), explicitly targeting bases set up for terrorist activities. This decisive action served as a powerful deterrent against terrorist activities, reasserting India’s stance on self-defence. The execution and subsequent handling of the surgical strikes underscored the government’s resolve to safeguard national security and its ability to respond to threats with precision and effectiveness. The surgical strikes represented a shift in India’s approach to dealing with cross-border terrorism, and this proactive approach is considered a significant milestone in India’s national security policy under the Modi government.

One Rank, One Pension (OROP): Ensuring fair pensions for retired military personnel.

Implementing the long-awaited “One Rank, One Pension” (OROP) scheme is a significant achievement of the Modi government. OROP, initiated by the Modi government in 2015, mandates a standard pension for retired military personnel of the same rank and tenure, eliminating discrepancies due to retirement dates. This reform rectifies the historical injustice faced by veterans, where individuals who retired earlier received lower pensions than those of the same rank who retired later. OROP has uplifted the morale of the armed forces and conveyed the government’s commitment to the welfare of veterans. The successful implementation of OROP demonstrates the Modi government’s dedication to acknowledging the invaluable contribution of our servicemen and servicewomen and ensuring that they receive the respect and dignity they rightfully deserve in their retirement.

Revocation of Article 370: A New Structure for Jammu and Kashmir.

In a momentous move, the Modi government revoked Article 370 from the Indian Constitution in August 2019, thereby removing the unique status of Jammu and Kashmir. This bold and historic move led to the reorganization of Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories: Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, thus paving the way for more direct control by the central government and ushering in a new era of development in the region. This decision, taken with a majority in both houses of Parliament, was aimed at integrating Jammu and Kashmir fully with the rest of India. It has allowed the region to benefit from central government schemes, investments, and developments previously hindered by its special status. The abrogation of Article 370 by the Modi Government signifies a fundamental shift in India’s approach to dealing with issues related to Jammu and Kashmir. It is seen as a significant milestone in reinforcing the country’s sovereignty.

Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA): Granting citizenship to persecuted minorities from neighbouring countries.

In 2019, the Modi Government achieved another legislative landmark by passing the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). This act aims to expedite the process of granting Indian citizenship to persecuted minorities from neighbouring countries – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. The CAA in India extends its protection to six religious communities – Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians – who have escaped religious intolerance in their native lands and have taken refuge in India. By doing so, the act recognizes the historical reality of religious persecution in these countries and upholds India’s long-standing tradition of providing shelter to those in need. Despite attracting international attention and sparking debates, the CAA underscores the Modi Government’s commitment to humanitarian values, serving as a beacon of hope for countless displaced individuals longing for a life of dignity and peace.

COVID-19 Response: Management and vaccination drive during the pandemic.

The Modi Government’s proactive and robust response to the COVID-19 pandemic is a testament to its commitment to public health and safety. From implementing one of the world’s strictest lockdowns in March 2020 to prevent the virus’s uncontrolled spread to launching the ‘Aarogya Setu contact tracing app for early detection and prevention, the government’sGovernment’sGovernment’s early response was marked by swift and decisive action. The government also ramped up the healthcare infrastructure across the country, increasing testing facilities, setting up dedicated COVID-19 hospitals, and ensuring an adequate supply of PPE kits and ventilators. During this challenging time, the Modi administration introduced the ‘PM CARES Fund’, a contingency relief fund designed to manage emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund acts as a conduit for generous donations to battle the ongoing health crisis and aid those impacted.

A remarkable accomplishment is initiating the world’s most extensive immunization campaign. As of October 2021, India has successfully distributed over a billion doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, a crucial step in global pandemic mitigation. The government ensured that vaccines were made available free of cost to all age groups above 18 at government vaccination centres. This mammoth exercise was carried out with meticulous planning and coordination between the central and state governments, embodying the spirit of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’. The vaccination drive has played a critical role in reducing the severity of the second wave in the country. It will continue to be the cornerstone of India’s fight against the pandemic. The comprehensive and dynamic approach towards managing the COVID-19 pandemic underscores the Modi government’s dedication to the welfare of its citizens.

The Initiative of Indradhanush: Ensuring Immunization for Children and Expectant Mothers.

Mission Indradhanush, a significant health campaign by the Modi Government, focuses on providing immunization to all infants under two years of age and expectant mothers, safeguarding them from seven diseases that can be prevented through vaccines. Launched in 2014, the program targets diseases such as diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, tuberculosis, measles, and hepatitis B. In its subsequent phases, the mission was expanded to include vaccines for Japanese encephalitis, Haemophilus influenzae type B, and rotavirus in selected states and districts. The GovernmentGovernment has made significant strides in enhancing the reach of this program, focusing mainly on communities with the lowest immunization coverage. By the end of 2019, the initiative had successfully reached 90% immunization coverage, compared to 61% in 2014. This enhanced coverage signifies improved child and maternal health, thereby contributing to the overall goal of reducing child and maternal mortality rates. Mission Indradhanush exemplifies the government’s dedication to improving public health and demonstrates how strategic initiatives can effectively address crucial health challenges in a vast and diverse country like India.

Digital Locker: Storing and sharing government documents electronically.

Recognizing the need for a secure and efficient system for managing important documents, the Modi Government introduced the Digital Locker initiative. Launched in 2015 under the Digital India campaign, this platform offers citizens a personal electronic space for storing and sharing government-issued documents. Users can upload scanned copies of essential documents linked to their Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) number, also known as the Aadhar number. This system empowers diverse government sectors to directly transfer electronic versions of documents and certificates into citizens’ digital lockers. Digital Locker thus eliminates the need for people to carry physical documents, allowing for hassle-free verification and lowering the administrative burden on government departments. As of August 2021, over 3.9 billion records have been issued on the platform, reflecting its widespread adoption and success. The Digital Locker initiative embodies the Modi Government’s commitment to good governance and digital empowerment by leveraging technology to streamline processes and improve the citizen-government interface.

Swamitva Yojana: Providing property rights to rural landowners.

In a significant step towards economic empowerment and reducing disputes in rural India, the Modi Government launched the Swamitva Yojana in April 2020. This pioneering scheme aims to grant millions of rural landowners property rights by issuing property cards for their lands and homes. The GovernmentGovernment uses drone technology to map rural land, enabling accurate documentation and legal recognition of the possession of land. The scheme paves the way for rural residents to access institutional credit and create a stable economic base in rural areas. As of October 2021, the GovernmentGovernment has covered 1 lakh villages under the scheme and plans to cover all towns in the country by 2024. By formalizing rural land ownership, Swamitva Yojana promises to usher in a new era of rural development and economic growth. The initiative embodies the Modi Government’s focus on leveraging technology to deliver development outcomes and its commitment to inclusive growth and empowering India’s rural population.

Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Water conservation and management.

To combat the critical issue of water scarcity and to promote water conservation, the Modi Government launched the Jal Shakti Abhiyan in July 2019. This comprehensive initiative prioritizes five key areas: preservation of water through conservation and rainwater harvesting, refreshing of age-old water bodies, reutilization of water and replenishing of structures, watershed progression, and extensive tree planting. The government embarked on this mission to improve rainwater harvesting, increase the use of recycled water, and promote water efficiency across the country. The initiative also aims to create robust local water sources to reduce dependency on long-distance water supply systems. Through this campaign, the GovernmentGovernment envisions a water-secure nation where every citizen can access safe and adequate drinking water. As of October 2021, numerous water conservation measures have been implemented under this initiative, demonstrating the Government’sGovernment’s commitment to securing India’s water future. Jal Shakti Abhiyan exemplifies the Modi Government’s dedication to deal with environmental issues and ensure sustainable growth.

Revamping the Education Landscape: The Introduction of NEP 2020.

The Modi Government took a pivotal step towards reshaping India’s education scenario by introducing the National Education Policy (NEP) in July 2020. This comprehensive policy is set to overhaul the Indian education sector, assuring everyone access to superior education and encouraging the total growth of learners. The NEP introduces profound modifications in the education framework, including adopting a 5+3+3+4 curricular structure tailored for ages 3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years. This structure replaces the traditional 10+2 system, aligning with global best practices and the scientific understanding of children’s cognitive development stages. The policy accentuates the importance of multiple languages, endorsing one’s first language or the local language as the medium of teaching up to, at minimum, Grade 5.

Further, the NEP introduces a range of flexibility in choosing subjects, vocational education from class 6, and the option for multiple entry and exit points during higher education. The NEP 2020 signifies the government’s commitment to reforming India’s education system and aligning it with the needs of the 21st century and beyond. It embodies the Modi Government’s vision of fostering a knowledge society rooted in Indian ethos and prepares the younger generation for future challenges.

National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS): Encouraging Apprenticeships.

The Modi Government launched the National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) in 2016 to stimulate skill development and provide practical training to the country’s youth. This extensive initiative is designed to enhance apprenticeship training and boost the involvement of apprentices from 2.3 lakhs to a massive 50 lakhs by 2020. The GovernmentGovernment provides financial incentives to employers to encourage them to engage apprentices in various industries. Furthermore, the scheme also subsidizes the cost of theoretical training provided to apprentices, making it a win-win situation for both employers and apprentices. As a result, businesses can create a trained workforce well-versed in industry-relevant skills, and youngsters can acquire essential skills while gaining practical exposure. As of October 2021, NAPS has successfully engaged numerous apprentices across various sectors, reflecting the government’s continuing commitment to enhancing the skill development and employability of the Indian youth. The National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme is a testament to the Modi Government’s dedication to strengthening the nation’s human resources and building a skill-rich workforce.

National Youth Parliament Festival: Promoting youth participation in governance.

To engage the youth in the democratic process and inspire them to contribute towards nation-building, the Modi Government initiated the National Youth Parliament Festival in 2019. This innovative platform encourages the country’s youth to express their views on public issues and understand the parliamentary process. The festival is organized at the district, state, and national levels, providing a comprehensive platform for youth to share their thoughts, ideas, and vision for India. The participants are judged based on their understanding of the Indian Constitution, parliamentary procedure, and ability to express thoughts clearly and concisely. The initiative reflects the Modi Government’s commitment to empowering the youth and giving them a platform to voice their opinions on national issues. It reaffirms the belief in the child’s potential to contribute to India’s democratic governance and development. The National Youth Parliament Festival is a testament to the Modi Government’s commitment to fostering active citizenship and democratic participation among the youth.

Pragati Initiative: Monitoring and Fast-Tracking Projects.

The Modi Government launched the Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation (PRAGATI) initiative to pursue transparent and accountable governance in 2015. This unique platform facilitates real-time monitoring and fast-tracking of essential projects, emphasizing timely redressal of grievances. The PRAGATI platform brings together all crucial departments and ministries, enabling the Prime Minister to monitor the progress of various projects and issues directly. This platform conducts monthly interactions chaired by the Prime Minister himself, during which the progress of projects and grievances are reviewed. The focus is on critical projects across states, infrastructure, and other sectors, with a cumulative worth often reaching thousands of crores. Since its inception, PRAGATI has expedited decision-making, ensuring timely implementation and completion of many projects, thus significantly boosting India’s socio-economic growth. It reflects the Modi Government’s commitment to promoting efficiency, transparency, and accountability in governance, thereby ensuring the effective delivery of the fruits of development to the last mile.

National Infrastructure Pipeline: Boosting Infrastructure Development.

The Modi Government unveiled the Coastal Infrastructure (NIP) in December 2019, underlining its commitment to boosting infrastructure and spurring economic growth. The NIP is a mega project enlisting 6500 projects across various sectors to ramp up the country’s infrastructure. The sectors include energy, roads, railways, urban and rural infrastructure, and health. With a massive investment plan of ₹ 102 lakh crore by 2024-2025, the NIP is set to spearhead a new era of infrastructural transformation in India. The initiative is expected to fuel economic growth and create large-scale employment opportunities. It aims to bolster India’s journey toward becoming a $5 trillion economy by inviting domestic and global investment. The NIP is pivotal to the Modi Government’s vision of creating world-class infrastructure that caters to the needs of a fast-growing nation. The NIP is a testimony to the government’s dedicated efforts to boost the economy and improve the country’s standing as a global investment destination.

Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT): Targeted subsidy transfer to beneficiaries.

The Modi Government introduced the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme in 2013 as an innovative measure to reform the process of subsidy dispersion. The primary objective of DBT is to ensure that benefits from the various central government schemes reach individuals directly by transferring them to the beneficiary’s bank accounts, thereby bypassing intermediaries. This has resulted in curbing corruption, plugging leakages, and improving efficiency. The DBT mechanism covers numerous schemes across different ministries, including but not limited to welfare schemes, scholarships, and subsidies on gas and fertilizers. The transparency and efficiency brought about by the DBT scheme have been recognized globally. As of 2021, more than ₹6 lakh crore has been transferred to beneficiaries of over 300 projects through DBT. It signifies the Modi Government’s commitment to good governance by ensuring that the advantages of economic growth reach people with low incomes and the marginalized sections of society in a direct and targeted manner. The Direct Benefit Transfer scheme is a testament to the government’s dedication to achieving a corruption-free, citizen-centric, and development-friendly ecosystem.

Ease of Doing Business: Improving the Business Environment in India.

In its commitment to fostering a conducive business environment, the Modi Government has executed several reforms that have significantly improved India’s ranking on the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index. In 2014, India ranked 142 out of 190 countries. By 2019, India had jumped to 63rd, signifying a remarkable improvement. This leap was made possible due to a series of systematic changes, including streamlining the process of obtaining construction permits, reducing the cost and complexity of regulatory compliance, and improving access to credit for businesses. The government also launched an online portal for the swift and seamless registration of new companies. These reforms improved the business environment domestically and enhanced India’s stature as an attractive investment destination globally. This significant achievement demonstrates the Modi Government’s unwavering commitment to promoting entrepreneurship and private enterprise, which is vital for job creation and economic growth. The Ease of Doing Business initiative is a testament to the government’s dedication to making India a preferred destination for national and international investors.

UDAN Scheme: Regional Connectivity Through Affordable Air Travel.

To democratize air travel and make it accessible to all citizens, the Modi government launched the Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik (UDAN) scheme in 2016. The project aims to stimulate regional connectivity through a market-based mechanism, making air travel affordable for the commoner. It encompasses the development of new airports and the revival of unserved and underserved airports across the country. With routes awarded to airlines based on competitive bidding, the scheme assures affordability by capping airfares and providing a certain number of seats at subsidized rates. As of 2021, the system has successfully operationalized over 50 unserved and underserved airports and more than 350 regional routes, significantly increasing the nation’s air network. By ensuring excellent connectivity, the UDAN scheme is opening up new avenues of growth, especially in remote and regional areas, and bolstering the tourism industry. This initiative is a testament to the Modi government’s resolve to make air travel within reach of ordinary citizens and ensure balanced regional growth.

Start Your Own Business (SYOB) Portal: Simplifying Business Registration.

The Modi government launched the Start Your Own Business (SYOB) portal to promote entrepreneurship and simplify starting a business. This digital platform is designed to streamline setting up a business by providing all necessary information and services under a single, unified portal. The SYOB portal guides potential entrepreneurs through the process, from ideating a company to creating a business plan, acquiring necessary licenses, and registering the business. The portal significantly reduces the complexities often associated with starting a business in India by providing a step-by-step guide. Moreover, it offers access to various government schemes and initiatives to support new businesses. The portal also has a comprehensive database of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to address potential uncertainties. By making starting a business more accessible and less daunting, the SYOB portal is a testament to the Modi government’s commitment to stimulating entrepreneurship and fostering economic growth.

E-NAM (Electronic National Agriculture Market): Revolutionizing Agricultural Trading.

In a bold move to digitize and streamline agricultural trading, the Modi government introduced the Electronic National Agriculture Market (E-NAM) in 2016. E-NAM is an innovative online trading platform for agricultural commodities in India. It enables farmers, traders, and buyers to digitally sell and purchase agricultural produce, thereby overcoming geographical constraints. The platform unifies all the regulated agricultural produce markets nationwide, allowing for a nationwide, transparent market and ultimately ensuring fair pricing for farmers’ produce. The platform also provides real-time agricultural commodity prices and trading facilities. E-NAM eradicates intermediaries, ensuring farmers secure a more profitable return for their produce. The platform also offers quality testing, sorting, and grading of agricultural produce. As of 2021, over 1,000 mandis across India have been integrated into the E-NAM platform, with over 1.69 crore farmers, 1.55 lakh traders, and 73,151 commission agents registered. The implementation of E-NAM signifies the Modi government’s commitment to empowering farmers and transforming the agricultural sector into a modern, technologically enabled industry.

National Nutrition Mission (POSHAN Abhiyaan): Tackling Malnutrition.

Aligning with the global Sustainable Development Goals, the Modi Government launched the National Nutrition Mission, also known as POSHAN Abhiyaan, in 2018. This comprehensive program is aimed at eradicating prevailing malnutrition and ensuring the nutritional well-being of children, adolescent girls, pregnant women, and lactating mothers. The Abhiyaan sets clear, healthy outcomes and incorporates an ICT-based real-time monitoring system, strengthening the targeted delivery of nutritional content. Additionally, the government has promoted the convergence of various schemes and leveraged technology to ensure effective service delivery. To advance this initiative further, the government has unveiled the “POSHAN Atlas”, a tool to track the cultivation of various crops and food grains nationwide. The intent is to encourage the consumption of nutritious, protein-rich foods within their local regions. By 2022, the government aims to reduce stunting, undernutrition, anaemia, and low birth weight on a large scale. This initiative demonstrates the Modi government’s commitment to improving India’s vulnerable population’s health and nutritional status.

UDAN-RCS (Regional Connectivity Scheme): Expanding Air Travel to Remote Areas.

To increase the accessibility of air travel to India’s remote and regional areas, the Modi government initiated the UDAN – Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS). This scheme aligns with the UDAN initiative, taking a step further by focusing on especially hard-to-reach areas. The RCS enhances flight connectivity between metros and Tier-1 cities to smaller towns and remote regions. The scheme incentivizes airlines through financial support and concessions, encouraging them to operate on regional air routes. These incentives include cheaper aviation turbine fuel, lower landing and parking charges, and other benefits. This has brought many unused or underutilized airports onto the aviation map, facilitating a more robust air travel network nationwide. With UDAN-RCS, the government has bolstered the aviation sector and significantly boosted local economies, tourism, and infrastructure development in the connected regions. The scheme underscores the Modi government’s efforts to make air travel accessible to a broader population and stimulate equitable economic growth across India.

NITI Aayog: Replacing the Planning Commission with a Modern Think Tank.

In a significant structural reform, the Modi government replaced the six-decade-old Planning Commission with the National Institution for Transforming India, or NITI Aayog, in January 2015. This decision marked a paradigm shift from a centralized planning structure to a policy think tank encouraging a bottom-up approach with states’ involvement in economic policy-making. NITI Aayog is mandated to serve as a resource centre for the central and state governments, offering strategic and technical advice across various sectors. The institution plays a pivotal role in fostering cooperative federalism and promoting inter-sectoral and inter-departmental coordination to accelerate the implementation of development schemes. NITI Aayog also monitors and evaluates the progress of government initiatives, ensuring transparency and accountability. Furthermore, it aids economic policy development by conducting high-quality research and data analysis. The creation of NITI Aayog underscores the Modi government’s commitment to innovative, informed, and participative governance.

Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan: Safe Motherhood Program.

In 2016, the Modi Government launched the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) to ensure comprehensive and quality antenatal care to all pregnant women on the 9th of every month, free of charge. This scheme is aimed at addressing health conditions among pregnant women, particularly those from underprivileged sections, thereby reducing maternal and infant mortality rates. PMSMA involves the provision of special antenatal check-ups that include a comprehensive health check-up with additional diagnostics to ensure the well-being of the mother and child. Over 1.3 crore antenatal check-ups have been conducted at 12,900 health facilities across the country since the inception of this scheme. The program ensures that high-risk pregnancies are identified and treated appropriately. Implementing The Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan is an important milestone in the Modi Government’s ongoing efforts to improve maternal and child health in India.

Make in India for Defense: Promoting Domestic Defense Manufacturing.

The Modi government has strongly emphasized promoting domestic defence manufacturing in line with its overarching ‘Make in India’ initiative. This initiative aims to reduce India’s dependence on imported defence equipment and position the country as a global defence manufacturing hub. In pursuit of this goal, the government has undertaken numerous measures, including the liberalization of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) norms in the defence sector, simplified licensing procedures, and launched the ‘Defense Production Policy 2018’. These measures are designed to attract domestic and international entities to invest in defence manufacturing in India, thereby fostering an ecosystem of suppliers capable of producing state-of-the-art defence technologies at competitive costs. The ‘Make in India for Defense’ initiative demonstrates the Modi government’s commitment to boosting self-reliance in defence production, enhancing India’s defence capabilities and contributing to the nation’s overall economic growth.

National Health Mission (NHM): Strengthening Healthcare Infrastructure.

Under the Modi Government, the National Health Mission (NHM) has strengthened India’s healthcare infrastructure. The mission, which encompasses the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and the National Urban Health Mission (NUHM), aims to achieve universal access to equitable, affordable, and quality healthcare services. To achieve this, the NHM has focused on improving health infrastructure and sought to build an integrated, comprehensive healthcare system. Financing new health facilities, upgrading existing ones, increasing the number of healthcare professionals, and enhancing the range of health services provided are some critical initiatives undertaken. Moreover, the NHM has also played a vital role in reducing maternal and child mortality, controlling infectious diseases, and enhancing access to non-communicable disease services, including mental health and trauma. The robust implementation of the National Health Mission demonstrates the Modi Government’s commitment to creating a healthier India by improving healthcare accessibility and quality.

Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana: Incentivizing Job Creation by Employers.

In 2016, the Modi Government introduced the Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY) as a strategic initiative to incentivize employers to create new employment opportunities. Under this scheme, the government pays the total employer’s contribution towards the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) and Employee Pension Scheme (EPS) for the first three years for new employees earning less than Rs. 15,000 per month. This initiative aims to formalize the informal job sector and foster sustainable employment for the vast working-age population of the country. Since its inception, the PMRPY has been instrumental in creating several new job opportunities and promoting formal sector participation. This initiative significantly reflects the Modi Government’s commitment to nurturing India’s robust and inclusive employment landscape.

North East Gas Grid: Expanding Natural Gas Infrastructure in the Northeast.

In a significant push towards expanding the natural gas infrastructure in the Northeast, the Modi Government has sanctioned the North East Gas Grid project. This ambitious initiative connects all eight North Eastern states – Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Tripura – to the National Gas Grid. It entails the construction of approximately 1,656 km of the natural gas pipeline, which will immensely fortify the region’s energy security and foster socio-economic development. The project is set to enhance the availability of clean and green fuel, i.e., natural gas, and reduce the dependence on liquid fuels. It will also spur regional industrial growth by ensuring a steady natural gas supply to various sectors. The sanctioning of the North East Gas Grid project reflects the Modi Government’s commitment to achieving energy efficiency, reducing environmental impact, and promoting equitable and sustainable development across all regions of the country.

Ayushman CAPF: Health Insurance for Central Armed Police Force Personnel.

In a monumental move towards ensuring comprehensive health coverage for security personnel, the Modi Government launched the Ayushman CAPF scheme. This initiative extends the benefits of the flagship Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) to all personnel of the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) and their families. The scheme provides health insurance coverage of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization across an empanelled network of hospitals. It covers nearly 10 lakh CAPF personnel and their family members. With this initiative, the government aims to enhance the accessibility and affordability of quality healthcare services for CAPF personnel, recognizing their sacrifices to safeguard the nation. The launch of the Ayushman CAPF scheme underscores the Modi Government’s commitment to the welfare and well-being of the country’s armed forces.

Reviving the Indian Economy: Initiatives to Spur Economic Growth.

The Modi Government has implemented several measures to boost India’s economic growth. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a landmark initiative in reforming India’s indirect tax regime, simplifying the tax structure, and fostering an integrated economy. Another significant achievement is the ‘Make in India’ initiative, which was launched to transform India into a manufacturing hub and boost job creation. This programme has attracted significant foreign direct investment and led to the establishment of numerous manufacturing units nationwide. The ‘Startup India’ initiative is another important step to foster entrepreneurship and create a conducive ecosystem for startups to thrive. The government has also alleviated agrarian distress and enhanced farmers’ income through the ‘Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman NidhiNidhi’ scheme and several other agricultural reforms. Furthermore, the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’ package, announced after the COVID-19 pandemic, seeks to make India self-reliant and resilient, focusing on local manufacturers and service providers. These initiatives reflect the Modi Government’s commitment to reviving the Indian economy and spurring sustained and inclusive economic growth.

Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog: Conservation and Welfare of Cows.

In a significant move towards the conservation and welfare of cows and their progeny, the Modi Government established the Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog (RKA) in 2019. This centralized authority is dedicated to taking proactive measures to ensure the preservation and enhancement of the cow population in India. The RKA focuses on the genetic upgradation of cows and the efficient implementation of laws banning the slaughter of cows across the nation. It promotes research in organic farming, dairy processing, and bio-energy, which utilize cow by-products. Additionally, the RKA encourages sustainable practices such as Panchgavya that involve using five cow-derived products – milk, curd, ghee, urine, and dung. The establishment of the Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog is a testament to the Modi Government’s commitment to preserving India’s bovine wealth, promoting sustainable agriculture, and safeguarding animal welfare.

Electric Vehicle Promotion: Promoting Electric Mobility.

In line with its commitment to sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions, the Modi Government has taken significant steps to promote electric mobility in India. Under the FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles) II scheme, the government has proposed to invest in creating the necessary charging infrastructure and offering subsidies to electric vehicle buyers. This initiative aims to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, thereby reducing dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating environmental pollution. Moreover, the government has also announced tax benefits for buyers of electric cars to make them more affordable. These efforts to promote electric mobility underscore the government’s dedication to fostering a cleaner and greener transport system in the country.

SAUBHAGYA Scheme: Providing Electricity Connections to All Households.

In a significant step towards universal electrification, the Modi Government launched the Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana, also known as the SAUBHAGYA scheme. This initiative aims to provide electricity connections to all households across the country, both in rural and urban areas. Under the scheme, the government provides free electricity connections to families identified under the Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC) data. The system also offers subsidies to encourage the use of energy-efficient appliances. This move is expected to dramatically improve the quality of life for millions of families and generate massive employment opportunities in the energy sector. The launch of the SAUBHAGYA scheme demonstrates the Modi Government’s unwavering commitment to ensuring universal access to reliable and affordable electricity for all, contributing significantly to the nation’s socio-economic development.

Nal Se Jal: Ensuring Piped Water Supply to Every Household.

As part of its mission to improve the quality of life for millions across the country, the Modi Government launched the ‘Nal Se Jal’ scheme, a visionary commitment to provide a piped water supply to every household in India by 2024. Under the Jal Jeevan Mission, this initiative aims to enhance the accessibility of clean and safe drinking water on a sustainable basis. It emphasizes integrated demand and supply-side management of water at the local level. The scheme also encourages the local community’s extensive participation in water quality surveillance. By providing piped water to every household, the government aims to alleviate the hardship of women and girls who often bear the brunt of fetching water from distant sources. Implementing the ‘Nal Se Jal’ scheme reflects the Modi Government’s commitment to ensuring fundamental human rights, improving public health, and enhancing living standards nationwide.

PM KUSUM Scheme: Solar Agriculture Pumps for Farmers.

As part of its efforts to harness renewable energy for agricultural use and empower farmers, the Modi Government launched the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (PM-KUSUM) scheme in 2019. The initiative aims to provide a reliable and sustainable energy solution for irrigation by installing solar pumps. The project envisages the setting up of 10,000 MW solar plants on barren lands and incentivizes farmers to run solar agriculture pumps. The system also promotes decentralized solar energy and reduces transmission losses. Making farmers both consumers and producers of power creates an additional source of income for them. The PM KUSUM scheme underscores the Modi Government’s dedication to sustainable development, rural upliftment, and energy security.

UDAN 2.0: Expanding Regional Air Connectivity.

The Modi government launched the second phase of the Ude Desh ka Aam Naagrik (UDAN) scheme as part of its commitment to inclusive growth and regional connectivity. The objective of UDAN 2.0 is to make air travel affordable and widespread, enabling more Indians to fly and boosting inclusive national economic development. The project focuses on connecting regional areas, promoting balanced regional growth and making air travel affordable for the commoner. It has also led to a significant increase in operational airports nationwide, further expanding the reach of aviation services. The implementation of UDAN 2.0 underscores the government’s commitment to revolutionizing the Indian aviation sector and fostering socio-economic development in the country’s hinterlands.

Operation Digital Board: Enhancing Digital Education.

To enhance the quality of education and make learning more interactive, the Modi Government launched Operation Digital Board in 2019. This initiative aims to introduce intelligent classrooms and digitally equipped learning to schools and colleges nationwide. The government plans to install digital boards in over 1.5 million schools, transforming the education sector. The scheme encourages the usage of the latest technologies like AI and Machine Learning to promote interactive learning. Creating a dynamic virtual learning environment brings a revolutionary shift from the traditional blackboard and chalk method to a tech-savvy educational model. This empowers the teachers and makes the learning process more engaging for the students. Operation Digital Board firmly positions the Modi Government’s commitment towards fostering digital literacy and promoting quality education in the country.

National Digital Health Mission: Digital Healthcare Records for Citizens.

In a significant move towards digitizing the healthcare system, the Modi Government announced the National Digital Health Mission (NDHM) on India’s 74th Independence Day in 2020. This revolutionary initiative aims to create digital health records for all citizens, ensuring accessibility and portability of health-related data. Under the NDHM, every Indian will receive a Health ID that will store all their health-related information, including medical history, treatments, and tests. Furthermore, the scheme promotes telemedicine, enabling remote areas of the country to access healthcare services. The digitization of health records will improve the quality of healthcare and promote preventive healthcare in the nation. The National Digital Health Mission exemplifies the Modi Government’s commitment towards leveraging technological advancements to deliver efficient, comprehensive, and inclusive healthcare services to all its citizens.

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN): Direct income support for farmers.

To support and empower the farmers further, the Modi Government launched the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) in 2019. This initiative is aimed at supplementing the financial needs of small and marginal farmers. The scheme provides direct income support of INR 6,000 annually to farmer families nationwide. The amount is paid in three equal instalments of INR 2,000 every four months directly into the bank accounts of the beneficiary farmers. The scheme helps to ensure dignified living for farmers and improve their economic stability. PM-KISAN represents another significant achievement by the Modi government in its unwavering commitment to farmer welfare and the development of the rural economy.

Swadeshi Microprocessor Challenge: Promoting Indigenous Chip Design.

The Modi Government launched the Swadeshi Microprocessor Challenge in 2020, reinforcing its commitment to technological self-reliance and innovation. This national-level competition incentivizes students, startups, and other technology enthusiasts to develop innovative solutions based on indigenous processors. The challenge is aimed at boosting India’s capabilities in semiconductor design, encouraging the development of ecosystem-friendly products, and reducing the country’s reliance on imported microprocessors. It also fosters a culture of tech-based innovation and entrepreneurship among the youth. The Swadeshi Microprocessor Challenge is a testament to the Modi Government’s efforts in promoting ‘Make in India’ and ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ initiatives, thus propelling India towards becoming a global hub in semiconductor design.

Skill India’s Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) Modernization: Skill Development Centers.

To make India the world’s skill capital, the Modi Government embarked on the modernization of Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) under the umbrella of the Skill India Mission. This initiative focuses on upgrading the infrastructure, curriculum, and quality of training at the ITIs to bridge the gap between industry requirements and skills imparted to the youth. The Government has made significant strides in increasing the number of ITIs across the country, introducing contemporary trades, and bringing in industry partnerships for better curriculum alignment and practical training. Moreover, the Government has also made efforts to increase the capacity of ITIs for training apprentices, thus boosting the ‘earn while you learn’ system in the formal sector. With the modernization of ITIs, the Government is not only enhancing the employability of the youth but also empowering them with the right skillsets to contribute effectively to India’s growing economy. This initiative reflects the Modi Government’s commitment to enhancing vocational education, promoting skill development, and creating a future-ready workforce.

ZIIMS and Medical Colleges Expansion: Strengthening healthcare infrastructure.

Accelerating its efforts to bolster the healthcare infrastructure in the country, the Modi Government announced the expansion of Zonal Institutes of Medical Sciences (ZIIMS) and medical colleges across India. This ambitious initiative aims to increase the number of medical seats, thereby addressing the country’s acute shortage of healthcare professionals. The Government has sanctioned the establishment of new medical colleges attached to district hospitals, particularly in underserved areas. Furthermore, the ZIIMS expansion seeks to provide high-quality medical education and research facilities in different country zones. The colleges will have advanced infrastructure, state-of-the-art laboratories, and skilled faculty. This initiative addresses the regional imbalance in the availability of affordable healthcare and promotes a self-sufficient healthcare system by producing competent health professionals. The expansion of ZIIMS and medical colleges exemplifies the Modi Government’s multi-faceted approach to strengthening the healthcare sector and ensuring accessible and affordable healthcare.

Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS): High-Speed Rail for NCR.

The Modi Government launched the Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) project in a significant stride towards transforming the urban transportation landscape. This ambitious initiative seeks to develop a high-speed rail network for the National Capital Region (NCR), drastically reducing travel time and enhancing connectivity among its various cities. The RRTS features state-of-the-art, energy-efficient trains reaching 180 km/h, ensuring rapid transit between cities. The RRTS corridors are also integrated with other urban transport systems like metro, railways, and airports for seamless commuter movement. This project exemplifies the Modi Government’s commitment to sustainable urban development and underscores its vision for a connected and efficient transportation infrastructure across the NCR.

Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana (PMGKY): COVID-19 Relief Measures.

In the wake of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, the Modi Government took swift and decisive action to safeguard the country’s most vulnerable populations with the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana (PMGKY). Launched in 2020, this comprehensive relief package worth INR 1.70 lakh crore provided direct cash transfer and food security measures to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic on the poor, migrant workers, and those in need. The relief measures under PMGKY included an additional 5 kg of free food grains per person per month, 1 kg of pulses for each household, and unrestrained gas cylinders for BPL families over three months. Furthermore, insurance coverage for health workers, wage increases for MGNREGA workers, and direct cash transfers to senior citizens, widows, disabled persons, women, and farmers were also implemented. During a national crisis, the PMGKY showcases the Modi Government’s unwavering commitment to the welfare of India’s most vulnerable citizens. It is yet another significant achievement in its list of socio-economic initiatives.

Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS): Skill Development Centers for Rural Areas.

Expanding skill development programs’ reach to the country’s farthest corners, the Modi Government revamped and re-energized the Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS). These institutes, established primarily in the rural and backward areas of the country, aim to provide vocational training to non-literate and neo-literate students as well as school dropouts. Realigning the JSS by the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF), the Government ensured the training programs were outcome-oriented and linked with the national standards. Furthermore, the scheme now empowers the institutes to offer courses as per the local economy, making the trainees readily employable. The restructuring of JSS underlines the Modi Government’s dedication to inclusive growth by empowering the marginalized sections with skill training, enhancing their employability, and, thus, improving their livelihoods.

Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY): Maternity Benefit Program.

The Modi Government introduced the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) in a progressive move towards ensuring maternal health and nutrition. This maternity benefit program aims to provide partial wage compensation to pregnant women and lactating mothers for the first living child of the family. The objective is to offer them adequate rest before and after delivery, improving their and the child’s health. The beneficiaries under this scheme are paid INR 5,000 in three instalments to fulfil specific health and nutrition conditions. The PMMVY signifies the Modi Government’s dedication to safeguarding maternal health, promoting safe motherhood, and strengthening child nutrition, reiterating the Government’s commitment to improving the well-being of mothers and children in the country.

Operation Green: Supporting the Agriculture Sector.

To bolster the agriculture sector and ensure fair remuneration to farmers, the Modi Government launched Operation Green. This initiative aims to stabilize the supply of Tomato, Onion, and Potato (TOP) crops and tackle price volatility in the market. Under Operation Green, farmers are given a 50% subsidy on transportation and storage facilities, helping to reduce post-harvest losses and optimize pricing. The initiative promotes farmer producers’ organizations (FPOs), agri-logistics, and processing facilities. Operation Green strives to benefit farmers and consumers by directly linking production clusters to markets. The underlying aim is to replicate the success of Operation Flood but in the realm of fruits and vegetables. Operation Green represents yet another achievement of the Modi Government in supporting farmers and strengthening the national agricultural infrastructure.

Pravasi Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PKVY): Skill Development for Overseas Employment.

Recognizing the need for skill enhancement for those seeking overseas employment, the Modi Government launched the Pravasi Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PKVY). Tailored to the needs of the Indian youth who aspire to work abroad, the PKVY offers them industry-relevant skill training that meets international standards. It also comes with an assurance of certification upon completing the training. Beyond this, the program provides potential emigrants with orientation sessions to acquaint them with the culture and language of the destination country, facilitating a smooth transition. Notably, the PKVY also aims to offer pre-departure orientation training, which helps ensure the emigrants’ safety and welfare. The PKVY is a testament to the Modi Government’s commitment to developing a globally competitive workforce and ensuring the welfare of Indian emigrants.

Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik (UDAN): Affordable Air Travel for All.

To make air travel accessible and affordable for the ordinary citizen, the Modi Government introduced the Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik (UDAN) scheme. This regional connectivity scheme aims to stimulate regional air connectivity and make air travel affordable for the average citizen. It seeks to achieve this by providing connectivity to un-served and underserved airports of the country through the revival of existing airstrips and airports. This has been made feasible through a market-based mechanism wherein the selected airline operator would be provided with Viability Gap Funding (VGF). The VGF is shared between the Ministry of Civil Aviation and the concerned State Government. This innovative initiative by the Modi Government has democratized the sector and boosted economic growth in remote and regional areas, significantly enabling tourism and job growth. UDAN represents a significant achievement, emphasizing the Government’s commitment to making air travel affordable and widely accessible to all Indians.

Ghar Tak Fiber Scheme: Broadband Connectivity in Rural Areas.

The Modi Government initiated the ‘Ghar Tak Fiber’ scheme in an ambitious move towards digital inclusivity. Aiming to bridge the urban-rural digital divide, this scheme seeks to extend broadband connectivity to every village in the country. Under this scheme, the Government plans to lay Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) across all towns, providing high-speed and reliable internet connectivity. This initiative can potentially revolutionize the rural landscape by enabling access to various digital services, including e-learning, e-health, e-agriculture and other e-governance services. Furthermore, with parallel digital literacy programs, the scheme aims to empower the rural population to harness the internet’s power effectively. The ‘Ghar Tak Fiber’ scheme is a testament to the Modi Government’s vision of a digitally empowered India, where every citizen, irrespective of their location, can access the benefits of the digital age.

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY): Enhancing Water Use Efficiency in Agriculture.

Responding to the pressing need for efficient water use in agriculture, the Modi Government launched the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY). This comprehensive irrigation program has been designed with the vision of extending the coverage of irrigation ‘Har Khet ko Pani’ and improving water use efficiency ‘More crop per drop’ in a focused manner with end-to-end solutions on source creation, distribution, management, field application, and extension activities. The aim is to enhance access to water on the farm and reduce dependence on erratic monsoons, thereby enabling improved and steady production. Additionally, the scheme promotes water conservation and sustainable water use practices, contributing to the resilience of agriculture to climate change. The PMKSY, thus, marks a significant achievement by the Modi Government in advancing sustainable and productive farming in India.

National Artificial Intelligence Portal: Promoting AI Research and Development.

In response to the global rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Modi Government launched the National Artificial Intelligence Portal in India. This online platform is a one-stop digital communication hub for AI-related developments in India, sharing AI entrepreneurial ventures, investment opportunities, and academic advancements nationwide. By fostering a unified AI ecosystem, the portal enhances the accessibility of resources and technical tools necessary for AI research and development. Additionally, it facilitates collaboration amongst researchers, startups, and industry leaders, encouraging data sharing and co-innovation in AI. The launch of the National Artificial Intelligence Portal echoes the Modi Government’s commitment to maintaining India’s competitive edge in the era of digital transformation and AI, making it another significant achievement in promoting advanced tech research and development in the country.

PM’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP): Promoting Self-Employment.

To foster entrepreneurship and promote self-employment among the Indian population, the Modi government introduced the Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP). This credit-linked subsidy program facilitates the establishment of micro-enterprises in the non-farm sector by helping traditional artisans and unemployed youths set up new self-employment ventures or grow their existing businesses. The PMEGP provides financial assistance through a subsidy of up to 35% of the project cost. The initiative is designed to generate continuous and sustainable employment opportunities in rural and urban areas, thus contributing significantly to the nation’s socio-economic development. The PMEGP underscores the Government’s commitment to job creation and economic empowerment, and it stands out as a critical accomplishment of the Modi government in fostering self-reliance and entrepreneurship.

Special Economic Zones (SEZs): Boosting Export-Oriented Industries.

Promoting a global trade-friendly environment, the Modi government has revitalized the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) policy. SEZs, designed as specifically delineated duty-free enclaves, aim to expedite export-oriented industrialization in the country. These zones are intended to attract foreign direct investment (FDI), generate employment, enhance foreign exchange earnings, and stimulate the development of infrastructural facilities. The Government under Modi has liberalized SEZ regulations, ensuring a hassle-free and investor-friendly environment and streamlining approval mechanisms for setting up SEZs. Furthermore, various fiscal and non-fiscal incentives have been provided to attract more companies to establish units within these zones. The rejuvenation and successful implementation of the SEZ policy highlight another critical achievement of the Modi government in bolstering India’s export competitiveness and industry-led economic growth.

National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI): Promoting Internet Infrastructure.

The Modi Government, recognizing the critical role of robust Internet infrastructure in digital empowerment, has revitalized the National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI). NIXI is a not-for-profit organization providing neutral internet exchange points for routing domestic network traffic within the country. This effort has significantly reduced domestic traffic latency, improved internet service speed and reliability, and reduced the costs for ISPs and end-users. By ensuring that domestic internet traffic is routed within the country, NIXI helps improve the quality of service for customers, increasing network resilience and boosting the digital economy. The Government has also leveraged the NIXI platform to enable ‘.IN’ domain registrations and promote country-specific domain names to foster a distinct digital identity. The strategic enhancement of NIXI symbolizes the Modi Government’s dedication towards improving and promoting domestic internet infrastructure, marking another significant achievement in their digital India initiative.

National Mission on Transformative Mobility: Promoting Electric and Shared Mobility.

In line with its commitment to sustainable growth and environmental protection, the Modi Government has launched the National Mission on Transformative Mobility. This initiative promotes electric and shared mobility to reduce India’s carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels. The mission involves setting up large-scale, export-competitive integrated batteries and cell-manufacturing Giga plants in India and making all new vehicles electric by 2030. It also aims to provide clean, connected, shared, and holistic mobility solutions, thereby addressing vehicular pollution and fuel conservation issues. By facilitating the development of a comprehensive ecosystem, including manufacturing, infrastructure, and services, the National Mission on Transformative Mobility is a significant achievement of the Modi Government in the direction of sustainable mobility and environmental conservation.

PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme: Boosting Food Processing.

Recognizing the potential of the food processing sector in generating employment and reducing food wastage, the Modi Government launched the Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PM FME) scheme. This scheme aims to transform the rural economy by formalizing the unorganized food processing sector and promoting farmer-producer organizations, self-help groups, and cooperatives. The system provides financial assistance and training to food processing units to upgrade their existing facilities, meet food safety standards, and effectively market their products. This initiative has not only helped reduce food wastage but also increased farmers’ income and created job opportunities. The PM FME scheme, therefore, stands as another landmark achievement of the Modi Government, demonstrating its commitment to boosting the rural economy and enhancing the food processing industry in India.

PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi): Supporting Street Vendors.

To alleviate street vendors’ financial distress due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Modi Government rolled out the PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) scheme. This groundbreaking initiative provides affordable micro-credit facilities to street vendors, enabling them to restart their businesses disrupted by the pandemic. The system offers a collateral-free working capital loan of up to INR 10,000 to each vendor, repayable in monthly instalments for one year. The scheme also incentivizes digital transactions and timely repayments, thus promoting financial inclusion and digital empowerment among street vendors. By directly supporting the livelihoods of millions of street vendors who form a critical part of urban economies, the PM SVANidhi scheme is a testament to the Modi Government’s commitment to the welfare of the marginalized and the economically vulnerable. This initiative also underscores the Government’s resolve to stimulate the informal sector’s recovery, rendering it a key achievement in economic resilience and social security.

National Career Service (NCS): Connecting Job Seekers and Employers.

One of the Modi Government’s noteworthy achievements in employment is the launch of the National Career Service (NCS) portal. This platform is designed to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers by facilitating online registration and providing various career-related services. It encompasses career counselling, job matching, vocational guidance, and information on skill development courses. The NCS portal has connected millions of job seekers with potential employers, providing them the tools and resources to navigate the job market effectively. It also offers a platform for employers to identify and hire suitable candidates, thereby streamlining the recruitment process. The NCS initiative exemplifies the Modi Government’s proactive approach to tackling unemployment and nurturing a skilled workforce by creating an integrated platform for job matching and career development.

Jal Jeevan Mission: Providing Tap Water to Rural Households

Underlining its commitment to ensuring safe and adequate water supply through individual household tap connections, the Modi Government launched the Jal Jeevan Mission. This mission aims to provide functional household tap connections (FHTCs) to every rural home nationwide, ensuring ‘Har Ghar Jal’ or water for every home. The move is intended to eliminate the need for villagers to cover long distances to fetch potable water, thereby improving the quality of life in rural areas. In addition to ensuring drinking water security, the scheme also focuses on community engagement in delivering water services and managing local water sources, a critical step towards water conservation. The Jal Jeevan Mission is a remarkable achievement by the Modi Government, highlighting its resolve to bring substantive change to the living conditions of the rural populace in India.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 2.0: Focus on Waste Management and Sustainability.

Following the success of the first phase of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, which focused on creating an open, defecation-free India, the Modi Government launched Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 2.0 with reinforced vigour and an expanded purview. The second phase of this cleanliness drive emphasizes effective waste management and sustainability to make India a clean and green country. The renewed mission includes the mandate for comprehensive waste management, including waste segregation at source, recycling, and composting. It also focuses on eco-friendly disposal of non-biodegradable waste, thus reducing landfill use and its subsequent environmental impact. Moreover, the scheme advocates for behaviour change towards sanitation and hygiene practices, inculcating a sense of civic responsibility among the citizens. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 2.0 is a significant achievement of the Modi Government in its quest for environmental sustainability and public health improvement, mirroring its commitment to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Model Tenancy Act: Promoting Rental Housing.

The Modi Government introduced the Model Tenancy Act to encourage rental housing in India. This act addresses the longstanding issues of the rental housing market by bringing in transparency and accountability and balancing the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants. It proposes to cap the security deposit to a maximum of two months’ rent and lays out clear protocols for eviction, thereby making the rental market more approachable and attractive. The act promises to overhaul India’s existing rental housing landscape through digitalization agreements and establishing separate rent courts and tribunals for speedy dispute resolution. Thus, the Model Tenancy Act is yet another significant achievement of the Modi Government, demonstrating its commitment to housing for all and fostering a robust and dynamic rental housing market.

Krishi Vikas Kendras (KVKs) Modernization: AgrModernizationension Services.

Unleashing a new era in agricultural extension services, the Modi Government has modernized the netmodernizedishi Vikas Kendras (KVKs) across the country. As the frontline arms of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), the KVKs are instrumental in technology assessment, refinement, and dissemination to the farming community at the grassroots level. Modemodernizationorevolutionized KVKs with advanced agricultural technologies, digital tools, and improved infrastructure to cater to the needs of the farmers better. The move has significantly amplified the reach of KVKs and improved farmer’s access to the latest agricultural practices, precision farming techniques, and market trends. This initiative by the Modi Government has dramatically boosted India’s farm productivity and profitability, making it a landmark achievement in agricultural extension services.

Vishwakarma Yojana: Empowering the Craftsmen Community.

To uplift and empower the artisan community, the Modi Government launched the Vishwakarma Yojana. The scheme is designed to provide financial assistance, skill development training, and marketing opportunities to artisans, focusing on artisans from marginalization. It aims to enhance the income of artisans by improving their skills, introducing them to modern tools and technologies, and providing a platform to showcase and sell their products. The Vishwakarma Yojana has not only helped preserve the rich cultural heritage of Indian craftsmanship but has also created employment opportunities for thousands of artisans across the country. This initiative is a testament to the Modi Government’s commitment to social inclusion and economic upliftment of the artisan community, marking yet another achievement in its inclusive development agenda.

Women Reservation Bill 2023: Empowering Women in Politics.

Adding another feather to its cap, the Modi Government passed the Women Reservation Bill in 2023, a groundbreaking achievement that spearheads gender parity in India’s political landscape. The bill, which reserves 33% of all seats in the Lower House of Parliament and all state legislative assemblies for women, marks a significant step toward empowering women in politics. The legislation not only secures representation for women in Indian politics but also paves the way for more women-centric policies and reforms. The passing of the Women Reservation Bill demonstrates the Modi Government’s determination to strengthen democracy through inclusivity and diversity, ensuring that women, too, have a voice in determining the nation’s future. This move is a significant achievement of the Modi Government in its ongoing endeavour to enhance women’s representation and participation in the political domain.

Bangalore Mysore Expressway: Boosting Connectivity and Economic Growth.

The Modi Government initiated the construction of the Bangalore Mysore Expressway to enhance connectivity and foster economic growth in the region. With its world-class infrastructure, this 110 km long expressway promises to reduce travel time between the two major cities of Karnataka from three hours to just ninety minutes. The expressway is more than just a means of faster transportation. Still, it also has provisions for developing townships along its route, which is expected to attract significant commercial and residential investments. Furthermore, the expressway has opened up new avenues for employment, boosting the local economy and improving the standard of living. This significant infrastructural development by the Modi Government demonstrates its commitment to regional development and connectivity, marking another substantial achievement in its governance.

Inauguration of the Permanent Campus of IIT Dharwad: Enhancing Technical Education

Marking a momentous achievement in technical education, the Modi Government inaugurated the permanent campus of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Dharwad. This premier educational institution, nestled in the bustling city of Dharwad in Karnataka, is a testament to the Government’s commitment to fostering higher education and research in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The state-of-the-art campus, equipped with modern classrooms, advanced laboratories, and research facilities, provides an ideal environment for nurturing innovation and technological advancement. The inauguration of the permanent campus of IIT Dharwad expands the reach of quality technical education. It promises to hire skilled professionals who can contribute significantly to India’s technological prowess. The establishment of this institution signifies yet another achievement of the Modi Government in its pursuit of academic excellence and innovation.

Launch of E20 Fuel: Promoting Green Energy.

In a move towards sustainable and greener alternatives, the Modi Government launched the E20 fuel. This innovative fuel is a blend of 20% ethanol with petrol, marking a significant step towards reducing the carbon footprint of the country’s transportation sector. The introduction of E20 fuel helps decrease greenhouse gas emissions and benefits the agricultural sector by increasing the demand for ethanol, a byproduct of sugarcane. This initiative aligns with India’s commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement and its goal of transitioning to clean energy. The launch of E20 fuel signifies yet another achievement of the Modi Government in promoting environmental sustainability and energy security.

Inauguration of Asia’s Largest Modern Helicopter Factory in Tumkuru: Boosting Aerospace Manufacturing.

The Modi Government marked another significant achievement with the inauguration of Asia’s most prominent modern helicopter factory in Tumkuru. This state-of-the-art facility is a testament to the Government’s commitment to promoting indigenous manufacturing and boosting the country’s aerospace sector. The factory, equipped with advanced manufacturing capabilities and research facilities, aims to design and produce a range of helicopters for defence and civilian purposes. Establishing this factory strengthens India’s position in the global aerospace industry and creates numerous job opportunities, fostering economic growth. The inauguration of this modern helicopter factory in Tumkuru represents another critical achievement of the Modi Government in its drive to promote Make in India and strengthen national security.

Achieving the Milestone of 10 Crore Tele-Consultations Through e-Sanjeevani: Pioneering Digital Health.

In yet another significant accomplishment, the Modi Government successfully achieved the milestone of 10 crore teleconsultations through e-Sanjeevani, a testament to its commitment to revorevolutionizingorevolutionizingia. This digital health initiative was launched to transcend the traditional boundaries of healthcare delivery, offering a unique blend of technology and medical expertise and providing access to quality healthcare services to the remotest corners of the nation. The platform has become especially crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic, enabling patients to consult doctors without needing physical visits to health facilities. This achievement reflects the Modi Government’s focus on digital health, marking a meaningful step towards universal health coverage.

Achieving the Milestone of Providing 8 Crore New Tap Water Connections: Quenching the Thirst of Millions.

In a significant move towards attaining water security and sanitation for all, the Modi Government reached the milestone of providing eight crore new tap water connections to households nationwide. This achievement forms part of the ambitious ‘Jal Jeevan Mission,’ aimed at ensuring every rural family has access to assured potable water on a regular and long-term basis. By enabling access to clean tap water, the Government not only enhances the health and vitality of millions of Indians, particularly in rural areas, but also alleviates the burden on women and children who traditionally collect water from distant sources. This achievement affirms the commitment of the Modi Government towards helping water scarcity and safeguarding the health of its citizens, adding another significant accomplishment to its list of milestones.

Completion of 100% Electrification of the Rail Network in UP-Uttarakhand: Illuminating Connectivity.

In a significant stride towards sustainable and efficient transportation, the Modi Government completed the task of 100% electrification of the rail network in UP-Uttarakhand. This pivotal achievement not only enhances the operational efficiency of the rail network but also reduces the carbon footprint by transitioning from diesel to electric locomotives. This move offers a more environmentally friendly mode of transport, contributing significantly to India’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions. Moreover, the electrification of the rail network also promises to accelerate regional connectivity, fostering economic growth and facilitating the seamless movement of goods and passengers. This milestone epitomizes empowerment by the Modi Government in its pursuit of sustainable development and improved rail infrastructure.

Successful Landing of Chandrayaan 3: Triumph in Space Exploration

The Modi Government added another remarkable achievement to its repertoire with the successful landing of Chandrayaan 3 – a milestone accomplishment in India’s space exploration journey. It underscores India’s growing prowess in space technology and elevates the nation among the distinguished few who have achieved the complex lunar landing. This mission, built on the learnings from Chandrayaan 2, has enhanced our understanding of the moon’s topography and mineral composition and confirmed the presence of water. The success of Chandrayaan 3, combining advanced technology and human ingenuity, signifies the Modi Government’s unwavering commitment to fostering scientific research, innovation, and national pride.

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