Arkansas college football team coach, Kris Sweet had horned by the team members by doing shaves off their heads in solidarity with his cancer fight.

The team released a video showing all of them had shaved their heads. The voice-over says, “It is our solidarity for you, coach.” The video went viral and had seen millions of people on social media. All of his fans, Ex. Arkansas team members and well-wishers shared their solidarity with Kris Sweet.

The college team’s surprise act has apricated by the football world, the expression of solidarity in such a way that everyone feels very special. Lyon’s college football team had taken the initiative to stand with coach Kris and shaved heads.

Arkansas team and Kris Sweet

Kris had diagnosed and conformed to cancer very recently. The coach’s missing in the playground could be a significant loss for the team. He was not just a coach for the team, Kris was a guide, mentor and everything.

“That had happened to our coach Kris Sweet, is most unfortunate, and we all are totally with him and offer all support and solidarity, ” said Gipson Robert, an old team member on Twitter.

“He was such a motivator and a well trainer in the ground. He is know as Arkansas team Kris Sweet, with in our college group. Hugs every one of us!, here I want to show my personal solidarity at this moment.” made a note by another team member.

Kris’s trending video with his team had recorded in Batesville by Fletcher Clay, a player of the Freshman football club.

Who is Kris Sweet?
Kris is an American football coach who had joined with Lyon as the Scots’ new offensive coordinator and coach. Before joined with Lyon, He had worked for the NCAA division as an offensive line coach. Kris was one of the well-known Canadian Football League coaches, and he had spent more than ten years over there in the same position.

About Kris family, he married Kate, and both are blessed with two kids Alexandra and Megan.

Offensive line coach

Kris Sweet had worked and guided the CFL team for almost ten seasons as an offensive line coach. He worked with Montreal Alouettes in the 2014 seasons. Kris started his job as a coach at the academic pitch in 19197. Offensive graduate assistant, that was his designation to start at Tennessee Tech.

Alvin Libor, a sports correspondent in News Plus USA, wrote about Kris Sweet in his unique sports feature- The offensive line coach and the defender, Kris, had strike by the follower’s solidarity after his team player’s kindness video has released.

Kris had been diagnosed with lymphoma and started treatment for cancer. His fight against it caused hair loss. The entire sports world with him, to support fighting against cancer.

Kris – Djordje Joint Venture

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